The Department will expand its crucial role within the academic and intellectual development strategy of the University. The Department will be noted for its commitment to applied research, current technological expertise, relevant service to the community and geographic region, and innovative classroom practices and offering courses that will enhance the intellectual capacity and career opportunities for our students, and will provide essential computer literacy skills for other disciplinary students.
The Department of Computer Engineering is a community of faculty, staff and students focused in the disciplines of computer science. Our mission is to achieve excellence through outstanding teaching. We seek to provide a flexible and proactive environment that promotes innovative thinking, diversity and ethical behavior in order to capitalize on the dynamic growth of computer and information technology and its applications to the welfare of our society.
The objective of the Department is to prepare future generation computer professionals for long-term careers in research, technical development, and applications. The curriculum emphasizes on program design, analysis and implementation, with both a strong theoretical foundation and relevant practical component, covering most aspects of computing and computer communications.